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Jun 6, 20146 min read
The road to Pai is paved with the intention to make you puke
I've been feeling contemplative this past week, undoubtedly due to me being sick and writhing around in bed—the perfect sanctuary, aside...

May 25, 20145 min read
Getting my baht in gear
I've transitioned into city life after a week in the jungle (not quite long enough to emerge feral). I now live in a hotel room and...

May 15, 20144 min read
I live in a bamboo hut
Andy and his girlfriend, Tukta (and Little Bear, one of their dogs), picked me up from the airport in Chiang Mai after a long series of...

May 5, 20142 min read
Better run through the jungle
"It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness...
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